Baptism Is An Outward Expression of a Spiritual Transformation

If you have committed to following Jesus this is your next step! Jesus said it was that simple: believe and be baptized (Mark 16:16). It's a physical expression of your spiritual belief.

What does it mean to “follow Jesus”?

We believe that humans were created for life, a full and abundant life. You and I each take actions though that harm ourselves and others, which ultimately leads to not just physical, but also spiritual death. God loves us so much that he came to earth as a human named Jesus, lived a life showing us what it looks like to be fully alive, died, and three days later came back to life.

God invites each of us to become fully alive through his power by inviting him to save us from spiritual death and to lead us into new life. Following Jesus is inviting God to transform our lives and choosing to live like him.

If you have more questions we would love to connect with you!