Cedar Valley Kids
Sunday Mornings
Nursery Care
Nursery Care is provided by "Take Care" trained and approved (Criminal Record Check required) volunteers on Sundays during the Worship Service for babies and toddlers up to age 3. We have a clean facility with enough room for kids to get their wiggles out with slides and toys as well as a quiet room for nursing and sleeping babies.
Kids Program
From 10:00 – 11:15am as part of the Worship Service for the family, we’ve got a service designed just for the kids age 4 to grade 5 to play, sing, learn, laugh, and grow close to each other and to God
No pre-registration required. Just show up Sunday Morning, head over to the Check-in Counter, sign-in (its easy, there will be a Host to help you), put the printed nametag on and hangout together for the first part of the service. Then, part way through Kids will head out to their own service for an awesome time of Activities and Bible Lessons where we will learn to know the Heart of God and how to reflect the Heart of God in everything we do.
Party Nights (K-12)
On the last Wednesday of the month we gather students from grades K-12 for a big energy night of games and life lessons that help us ask big questions and grow closer to God
(***This is a high-energy evening with students of all ages in one large group, parents please use your best discretion if your child will thrive in this environment, you are welcome to stay and assist with your younger child!)
Check-In Safety
All of our kids and youth programs follow a safety policy to ensure the best care and security for your child. If you are a first time visitor you will be asked to provide some basic information so you can sign your family in and out.