Cedar Valley Youth
Middle & High School
Wednesdays 7-9
fun &
friends &
grow &
We want to have fun! Play games together that everyone loves. Maybe learn some new skills, sports, or activities. Laugh and do weird things we’ve never tried before!
That why we meet every second week on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 - 9:00PM at Cedar Valley Church (that’s 32860 Cherry Avenue)
We want to make friendships that will last a lifetime. Be a group that welcomes anyone in. Laugh and cry together and help each-other out.
That’s why we make sure to create an inviting environment for everyone to come from middle & high school
We want to learn about life! Ask questions about the world, about right and wrong, about God!? Talk about our doubts. Listen to each-other’s experiences. Make positive life-changing decisions.
That’s why we spend some time in small group or one-on-one chats with our awesome leaders each week talking about life, social justice, faith, and more!
We want to meet the needs of our friends, families, and neighbours in Mission. Serve the community. Give up some of our time and energy for others.
That’s why we try to get involved in something monthly like Adopt-A-Block, or help out at the Food Bank.