Spread around some encouragement stones!

A trend is taking over the local trails and urban walking paths of painting rocks with words of encouragement and kindness. This is a simple craft that can have a lasting impact as a family!

Here's the list of things you'll need:

  • Smooth rocks

  • Acrylic paint

  • Sponge brushes

  • Acrylic paint pens

How Do You Make a Kindness Rock?

  1. Find your desired rock. Clean it with soap and water. 

  2. Once the rock is dry, paint the top with a base coat of paint—pick any color you like. 

  3. When the base coat is dry, add a fun design, write a positive note , or your favorite Bible verse on each one.

  4. Allow the design to dry completely, and then seal the rock to protect your design.

  5. Spread kindness by leaving the rock in a place for someone else to find. 

  6. Say a prayer for for the people who will see this rock!

Find more details here:

Rock Painting Infographic.jpg

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