Jesus + Nothing - Snap out of it [Galatians 1:10-24]
Jesus + Nothing
Snap out of it [Galatians 1:10-24]
That's the theme of the book of 'Galatians' (the Apostle Paul's letter to the churches in ancient Galatia). That Jesus Christ is the ONLY piece of the puzzle necessary to be in relationship with God, and to experience God's Grace, Love, and Truth! It's simple, but not easy. It still takes a tremendous level of discipline to keep our focus on Jesus above the noise and drama in our world at every moment. And many times, that 'noise' is disguised as church, religion, history, tradition, all things that have good elements and come from good places, but are incomplete half-truths that distract us from our core relationship and guidance towards God.
Every Sunday at 10:00am we are on campus and online streaming a worship service to Facebook, Youtube, and right here at Hope on to one of the social platforms to get a real-time engaging experience during the service and consider inviting a friend or neighbour to join you for church at home and engage in the discussion together after the service.
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Below you’ll find an audio only recording of our service.