Jesus + Nothing - An Everyday Life Example [Galatians 3:15]

Jesus + Nothing

An Everyday Life Example [Galatians 3:15]

It seems like there is an endless amount of facts, data, history, philosophy, and just simply 'stuff' that we can learn and memorize about anything! (Including the Bible). But does that really change much in our lives? Often we need an 'every day example' to understand something. Jesus + Nothing. That's the theme and focus in the book of Galatians. It's a powerful reminder that all the extra stuff in life that tries to take priority over our faith and relationship with Jesus needs to be put in its place!

Every Sunday at 10:00am we are on campus and online streaming a worship service to Facebook, Youtube, and right here at Hope on to one of the social platforms to get a real-time engaging experience during the service and consider inviting a friend or neighbour to join you for church at home and engage in the discussion together after the service.

One of the best ways to be connected with our church community is by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and signing up for our weekly newsletter!

Below you’ll find an audio only recording of our service.


Easter 2022 - Palm Sunday [John 12:12-19]


Jesus + Nothing - That's Not Fair [Galatians 3:6-14]